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Configure Certificates

A signed certificate is needed on the NGNIX pods for the Slack and Teams integrations.

The AutomationUIConfig instance controls the certificates and the NGINX pods that use them.

🚀 TASK: Create valid Ingress certificates

🌏 Documentation for the Task: nline starter installation of CP4AIOPS

Create valid Ingress Certificates as described in the Documentation.

  • Patch NetworkPolicy

    1. Run the following command to patch the NetworkPolicy

      export AIOPS_NAMESPACE=$(oc get po -A|grep aiops-orchestrator-controller |awk '{print$1}')
      cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
      kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: allow-all-egress-and-ingress
      annotations: "3"
    1. Run the following command to patch the Ingress Certificates

      AUTO_UI_INSTANCE=$(oc get AutomationUIConfig -n ${PROJECT_CP4AIOPS} --no-headers -o custom-columns="")
      ingress_pod=$(oc get secrets -n openshift-ingress | grep tls | grep -v router-metrics-certs-default | awk '{print $1}')
      oc get secret -n openshift-ingress -o 'go-template={{index .data "tls.crt"}}' ${ingress_pod} | base64 -d > cert.crt
      oc get secret -n openshift-ingress -o 'go-template={{index .data "tls.key"}}' ${ingress_pod} | base64 -d > cert.key
      oc get secret -n ${PROJECT_CP4AIOPS} external-tls-secret -o yaml > external-tls-secret.yaml
    1. To check that the nginx Pods are back up, run the following:

      export AIOPS_NAMESPACE=$(oc get po -A|grep aiops-orchestrator-controller |awk '{print$1}')
      while :; do clear; echo "Checking..."; echo "Exit with Ctrl-C"; oc get po -n $AIOPS_NAMESPACE | grep nginx|grep -v ibm-nginx-tester|grep -v setup-nginx-job ; sleep 2; done

      This will list the Pods that are Ready.

      Wait until you get two pods with 1/1 status

      ibm-nginx-xxxxx-xxx 1/1 Running 0 4h9m
      ibm-nginx-xxxxx-xxx 1/1 Running 0 4h9m
Page last updated: 03 November 2022