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Check CP4AIOPS Installation

🚀 TASK: Verify that the CP4AIOPS Installation is ready

🌏 Documentation for the Task: Online starter installation of CP4AIOPS

Check that CP4AIOPS is running and that you can continue with the next chapter to install the third-party systems that will support your training.

You can do this by checking the running Pods in the ibm-aiops Namespace.

There should be more than 116 Pods with Status Running and all should be Ready (meaning they have show 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, …)

  • Check with the Command Line

    Run the following:

    while :; do clear; echo "Checking..."; echo "Exit with Ctrl-C"; echo "---------------"; echo "Ready: $(oc get po -n ibm-aiops | grep -v Completed | grep -v Error |grep -v '0/' |wc -l| tr -d ' ')"; echo "Not Ready: $(oc get po -n ibm-aiops | grep -v Completed | grep -v Error |grep '0/' |wc -l| tr -d ' ')"; echo "---------------"; oc get po -n ibm-aiops | grep -v Completed | grep -v Error |grep '0/'; sleep 5; done

    This will list the Pods that are not Ready yet.


    ✅ And when done you should get 0 Pods Not Ready, about Ready: 12x and Not Ready: 0.

    Check with your OpenShift Web Console

    1. Select Pods and your ibm-aiops Project

    2. Filter for the relevant statuses


      The drop-down also shows you the number of Pods for the different statuses.

    3. Sort by Ready column


    This allows you to follow along the progress of the installation.

    When done you should have more than 116 Pods in Running status and all Pods should be 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, ...