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Preparing the Installation

In order to install the CP4AIOPS Operator you first have to create the following resources:

  • Namespace
  • OperatorGroup
  • IBM Pull Secret (Entitlement)
🌏 Documentation for the Task: Online starter installation of CP4AIOPS

πŸš€ TASK: Create the Namespace

Create a namespace called ibm-aiops.

  • Create the namespace (project)

    1. Create a namespace called ibm-aiops, by running the following command:

      oc create namespace ibm-aiops

    This creates the Namespace in which you will install CP4AIOPS

πŸš€ TASK: Create the Operator Group

Create the Operator Group as described in the Documentation.

  • Create the OperatorGroup

    1. Create the Operator group by running the following command:

      cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
      kind: OperatorGroup
      name: ibm-aiops-operator-group
      namespace: ibm-aiops
      - ibm-aiops

    This creates the OperatorGroup needed for the Operator to deploy into the ibm-aiops Namespace

πŸš€ TASK: Create the Pull Secret

Create the Pull Secret as described in the Documentation with your Entitlement Key from the MyIBM Container Software Library.

  • Create the entitlement key pull secret

    1. Log in to MyIBM Container Software Library with the IBMid.

    2. In the Entitlement keys section, select Copy key to copy your entitlement key to the clipboard.

    3. Run the following command:

      oc create secret docker-registry ibm-entitlement-key \
      --docker-username=cp \
      --docker-password="_entitlement_key_from_step_2_" \ \

      Where "_entitlement_key_from_step_2_" is the entitlement key that you copied in the previous step.

    This creates the Secret with your IBM Entitlement that will allow the images to be pulled from the IBM Container Registry

Page last updated: 03 November 2022