Lab 4: Scale and Update Deployments
In this lab, you’ll learn how to update the number of instances a deployment has and how to modify the API backend.
For this lab, you need a running deployment of the
application from the previous lab. If you deleted it, recreate it.
Scale apps with replicas
A replica is a copy of a pod that contains a running service. By having multiple replicas of a pod, you can ensure your deployment has the available resources to handle increasing load on your application.
provides ascale
subcommand to change the size of an existing deployment. Let’s increase our capacity from a single running instance ofk8sdemo
up to 10 instances:
kubectl scale --replicas=4 deployment k8sdemo-backend -n default
> deployment "k8sdemo" scaled
Kubernetes will now try to make reality match the desired state of 4 replicas by starting 2 new pods with the same configuration as the first.
- To verify that your changes have been rolled out, you can run:
kubectl get pods -n default
> k8sdemo-7d46f69d68-xcgcw 1/1 Running 0 19m
> k8sdemo-backend-9c777544b-cp59q 1/1 Running 0 12m
> k8sdemo-backend-9c777544b-jqjz9 1/1 Running 0 12m
> k8sdemo-backend-9c777544b-lwssx 1/1 Running 0 12m
> k8sdemo-backend-9c777544b-t5mlq 1/1 Running 0 12m
You should see output listing 4 replicas of your deployment.
**Congratulations!!! This concludes Lab 4 on scaling and updating Deployments **